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How large is the religious component of the day?

We celebrate all religious denominations.  God and Christianity are implemented into daily lessons when appropriate, and children sing grace before snack.  Chapel is attended once a week by each class.  We teach children Christian values through example, Bible stories and songs.


Do you provide Before and After care?

Yes. Our Before School Care is Monday-Friday starting at 8:00 a.m. and our After School Care is Monday-Friday from  noon - 3:30 or 5:30 p.m.


Do you have opportunities for parents to volunteer?

We have many opportunities for parents to volunteer at HCPS.  We have a “Parent Group” that hosts many events for the school, including Fall Fest, Fundraisers and Winter Event.  We also have opportunities for parents to be “Mystery Readers,” along with helpers in getting children to and from hearing/vision testing and picture day within the school.


What is the weather policy?

If Baltimore County Schools are closed, we are closed. If Baltimore County Schools are 1 hour late, we open at 10 AM. Regular dismissal time

​If Baltimore County Schools are 2 hours late, we open at 10:50!

​​If Baltimore County Schools close early, After School will be canceled.​


How can I keep up with what’s going on in my child’s class?

Each teacher writes a daily objective on a board outside the classroom.  Weekly lesson plans will be posted outside the classroom, as well.  Class newsletters will be sent home weekly.


Who is allowed to pick up my child?

At the beginning of each year emergency forms will be completed by the parents informing the school of who has permission to pick up each student.  No student will be released to someone not on the form without a written note from the parent and a photo I.D.


What should my child wear to school?

Casual, comfortable clothing that can get dirty while playing and doing crafts.  We discourage any clothing with drawstrings near the neck.  Closed shoes are required.  No flip-flops or sandals.

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