Before and After School Program
Announcing new extended hours. Children can now stay until 5:30.
Before School Care
Our Before School Program is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 8:45am. During this time, children are given the opportunity to socialize and play with friends in a safe and supervised classroom.
Please call the school for more detail.
Fees for the Before School Program:
Drop in rate
$ 8.00 per child,
per day
Drop in rate
$ 5.00 per kindergarteners,
per day

After School Care
After school care is for our 2 year olds through Kindergarten and runs from noon until 3:30 OR 5:30. Students may participate in the program on any day, even though it may not be their normal class day. During this time, the program includes: lunch (brought from home), play time, arts and crafts, movin’and groovin”, rest time and teacher’s choice time.
Fees for the After School Program:
2 year old-Pre K $40
Pre K Plus-Kindergarten $10
2 year old-Pre K $60
Pre K Plus-Kindergarten $20